The Bear Hunter:
The Life and Times of Robert Eager Bobo in the Canebrakes of the Old
South is the true story of R. E.
Bobo, the premier bear hunter of late nineteenth Century America.
Born in 1847, Bobo left home to fight in the War Between the
States as a boy of fourteen, serving as a trooper in Nathan
Bedford Forrest's cavalry Corps. Following the War he
developed a prosperous plantation in the Mississippi Delta's Coahoma
County while simultaneously acquiring a reputation as one of that
region's foremost bear hunters. Among those Bobo hosted on
bear hunts was the notorious outlaw Jesse James (according to
self-professed James Gang member, Kit Dalton).
While Bobo could not
give an exact number for the bears he had killed (often with a
knife) other than “many hundreds, surely,” he often noted that in
one year (September 1873 –September 1874) he took killed “304 bears,
47 cats (wildcats), 21 deer and 17 panthers.” He hunted primarily in
Coahoma, Bolivar, and Sunflower Counties in Mississippi.
initially was tapped by Mississippi Governor Longino to serve as
"Master of Ceremonies" for Theodore Roosevelt's 1902 presidential
Mississippi Delta bear hunt but was unable to serve in that capacity
due to serous illness. About the same time Roosevelt was
leaving Mississippi following that hunt, in fact, Bobo died in Chicago,
Illinois, after undergoing emergency medical treatment.
The Bear Hunter, though, is far more than the story of
Bobo and his bear hunting--it is a thoroughly fascinating picture of
pioneer life and culture in an environment that now exists only on
the pages of history--the wild and trackless canebrake wilderness of
the lower Mississippi Valley.
Come now with Bob Bobo and a variety of captivating
characters on their quest for black bear in an environment that now
exists only on the pages of history: the wild, trackless, Delta
canebrake. Gallop at a breakneck pace through sloughs and swamps,
where a horse’s stumble over a cypress knee could mean sudden
disaster; thrill to the savage chorus of the hounds as they pursue
their game; charge into the cane to knife the bear before it can
decimate the pack; taste the fear when the tables turn and hunter
becomes the hunted; relax by the campfire on a frosty November
evening and listen to the tales of wolf and panther and gun and
knife; laugh, too, at comical stories of old time Delta backwoods
ways; and, perhaps, shed a tear, as the inevitable tragedies of life
visit your newfound friends. The book will delight hunters, outdoors
lovers, nature enthusiasts, southern history buffs, folklore fans,
and anyone who just enjoys a good book.
But let us not delay! The hunters are gathered; the horses
are champing at their bits; the dogs are spoiling for a fight; Bobo
is sounding his horn. It is time to ride!
The Bear Hunter is available in hardback and
Kindle editions. You can
read the first four chapters for free and read Kindle reader
comments by following the
Kindle link.
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Jim McCafferty is the author of The
Bear Hunter: The Life a nd Times of Robert Eager Bobo in the
Canebrakes of the Old South, and two children's books,
Holt and the Teddy Bear and
Holt and the Cowboys.
The Kindle version of The Bear Hunter can be previewed and
Follow this link for ordering information on all three books:
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